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About the Voices of the Street Unsheltered Survey

"Voices of the Street" is an annual unsheltered survey conducted to assess the needs of homelessness in a community. This initiative involves volunteers, outreach specialists, community partners and public safety agencies surveying individuals living on the streets, in parks, and other public spaces to gain insights into their circumstances and needs.

Conducting this count once per year is critical for several reasons:

  1. Data Collection: The unsheltered survey provides essential data on the needs and demographics of people experiencing homelessness. This information helps policymakers, service providers, and advocates understand the scale of the issue and identify trends over time.
  2. Resource Allocation: By knowing the extent of homelessness, communities can allocate resources more effectively. This includes funding for housing, outreach programs, mental health services, and other support systems. Accurate data enables targeted interventions to be applied where they are most needed.
  3. Policy Development: The data gathered from the unsheltered survey informs the development of evidence-based policies aimed at reducing and ending homelessness. Understanding the specific challenges faced by the homeless population helps shape programs and initiatives that can lead to sustainable solutions.
  4. Advocacy and Awareness: The annual survey raises public awareness about homelessness and its complexities. The data generated serves as a powerful tool for informing the community about the facts of homelessness in the community.
  5. Tracking Progress: Regularly conducting the unsheltered survey allows communities and their local government agencies to track the effectiveness of their efforts in addressing homelessness. It provides a baseline for measuring progress and adjusting strategies as needed, while placing an emphasis on learning more about the needs of vulnerable sub-populations of people that experience homelessness.

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